Wednesday 4 January 2012

Roulette: Is the system beatable?

It has long been a game of choice for online gamblers. Chosen by those who believe they have a system which can mulitply there money a number of times in only a short amount of time.Is it possible?

I myself, and my friend and co-writer of the popular ebook"Roulette: a strategist’s guide to taking advantage of the odds and manipulating the house edge"

 (avaliable at  and this blog have seen the greatness which the game roulette can give. We have both seen our money grow expodentialy in hours, stunning even ourselfs.
We have also seen the devistation which almost always follows.
 We have been griped by the succsess of simple betting stratergies and then devistated by the poor design of the systems when they come undone.
After losing over $4000  in less than a few minutes we were ready to quit but instead, stirred by the knowledge that it can be done, we worked together to devise a new more succsessful system which we have named the Hallam Dividing System.

This blog isnt to convince you to buy anything.
This blog is just about sharing our experiances, our knowledge, our losses and finnaly our triumphs.
In this blog we will share with you some of what we talk about inside our ebook, including our system which we have found will give you a much greater succsess rate.
All we ask is that you stick with us while we post these blogs, that you become devoted readers and that you learn from what we have to offer.

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